I agree it's a dumb system that incentivizes winning rounds, not fights. I also think that draws should result in a loss for both fighters.

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While I don't think loss would be the right way to go about it, if draws are really that big of a problem for people they can always do a "sudden death round" whereby judges must pick a fighter to win (no points).

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That seems even more subjective, IMO because I don't like the idea of judges making a decision in what should be a black/white outcome. How about we do away with multiple rounds altogether and have one 15 min round (assuming a 3 round non-title fight as in UFC, for example)? This plus the requirement for a finish (or else you get a loss on your reord) will drastically change the sport and encourage those fighters with a sense of urgency. It will be a sport of "finishers" vs "point fighters". It's crazy but it just might work lol.

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